responsive ways of using computer

Hello world, welcome to my blog. In this exciting tips we will be taking a look at “Responsible ways of using computer”. Why we are taking a look at this topic is because many people abuse their computer in the usage. And now I’m here to explain to you on the ways of using your computer’s. So now let get started.
The following points should be kept in mind while using a computer.
1. The integrity of the systems must be respected. This means that users will not divulge password, pins, private keys or similar elements to anyone else, and they will not exploit seasons left open or otherwise misappropriate or steal the “identity” of another user.
2. Privacy of other users must not be intruded upon at any time.
3. Users must recognize that certain data are confidential and must limit their access to such data to uses in direct performance of their duties.
4. The rules and regulations governing the use of facilities and equipment must be respected. Persons responsible for computing devices connected to the network will ensure that those devices are maintained in a secure state in accord with related policy.
5. No one shall obtain unauthorized access to other users’ accounts and files.
6. The intended use of all accounts, typically for research, instruction and administrative purposes, must be respected.
7. Users shall become familiar with and abide by the guidelines for appropriate usage for the system and networks that they access.
Unauthorized use of copyright-protected or licensed materials-including, but not limited for.
·        Graphics images
·        Movies
·        Music or audio files
·        Software
·        And many more.

Is a serious matter and is a violation of federal law. An individual who reproduces and/or distributes digitized copyrighted material without permission and in excess of “fair use” has violated federal 
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