Symptoms and sign of Drug Abusing
Hello and welcome to Pakinfo where we
couch knowledge of Health into you. So in todays health tutorial we’re going to
be taking a look at Symptoms and signs of Drug Abuse. So just focus and read
this article to understand and gain from this our article.
1. Violence: Drug abuse often cause
people to involve in dangerous and violent action, thinking and behavior which
can cause damage to either people in the society e.g drawing under the
influence of drug engaging in the street.
Depression: This involve emotional state of feeling sad and anxious with
certain degree of inability to sleep or rest appropriately.
Clothing and Glomming: People under the influence of drug are often careless
about personal dressing or glomming there by making them look in scene.
Allergy: This is a medical condition that causes someone to react badly or feel
ill sick after using particles substances.
6. Critical Condition:- People who
take certain drug which make the use to react extremely slowly to certain thing
that require thing that require quick action people can also develop a high
sense of on reaction after drinking the certain drugs.